Want to work with me 1:1?

angel cards danielle

Why I Love Working with Individuals in a Private Setting

You want answers. You feel stuck, on the edge of making big life decisions and know you need to change. But perhaps you need a push to get there? Gentle guidance from me and your angel team? That's exactly why I love working with you 1:1. We can get into exactly the issues you are having and break down walls you're ready to bust through. Working with me 1:1 is both transformative and reassuring.


Booking Private 2 Hour Coaching Intensives Now!

You'll receive personal coaching, tools and resources to help clear your busy, overwhelmed mind. Gaining clarity and direction on next steps to achieving your goals, you'll move forward inspired with the confidence and energy to continue growing and succeeding. 


Booking Personal Angel Card Readings Now!

Receive encouraging and helpful guidance with key messages from your Angels. With personal coaching, tools and resources you’ll be empowered to move forward with clarity and direction to make confident choices!